Ducking Very BIG Waves With Kayak (Turtle Rolls)
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Going through the surf zone can be a struggle!
What is a turtle roll?
The turtle roll, also known as the Eskimo roll, is a surfing technique that allows you to get past the breaking waves in challenging conditions, especially when it’s closing out and the waves hit the overhead mark.
Master level😂
Mostly likely it doesn’t work. The carrying cycle at backside simply tows back with strong energy.
Only chance seems to stay above surface in order to minimise contact with every inch.
Situation is you cant do a roll when you flipped in the middle of the running cycle.
It tears overwhelmingly.
I worked that out on a Prixox Fly.
Amazing. Very well done. I’ve been surfing 40 years & the duck dive (short board) and Turn Turtle (long board) are both a challenging learn. Each have their own nuisances & subtle differences. But your pushing a damn boat under a decent sized breaking wave. Bravo !!!!
Love it, nicely done
Why doesnt he just go scuba diving?😂
This looks mad fun
Nah definitely NOT very big waves. Maybe 5’.
Where is the location of this place?
The view under water
That doesn’t look fun. Sorry
Bro said nah I’d win
Those waves are tiny just paddle straight through them
🌊: I can do this all day
Remember kids, the waves can’t flip you over if you flip yourself over before they reach you.
First was the guy holding a camera while a big wave was coming towards him and now I have this in my recommendations lol. Waves can be fun and scary at the same time.
Tiny waves🤣
never ending stooooryyyyy
"We’ve had one yes, but what about second breakfast" springs to mind
Imagine at the last wave under water you see a big white shark beneath you.
I like how he just accepted his fate by just rolling when the waves came
the guy from Castaway would be pissed to see this lol
It’s all fun in games until you see an Orca looking you in the face a roll later
This would make a pretty shit Groundhog Day movie.
They see me rolling my kayak, patrollin the seas they catch me sailing dirty
2 paddles forward wave knocks you back 10 paddles
Considering that water looks like it’s 40° at best I would just try to ride the way it’s not roll myself into the freezing water plus wood in your kayak fill up with water when it breaks the surface?
do a barrel roll!
I’ll just sit here and keep banging my hand with a hammer….
That would be the most frustrating thing ever. Youre just catching youre breath when another wave comes and youre also getting no where
Very unstable, you can drown in seconds with that roll over manouvre. Better to swin with an thick neoprene swimmsuit.
And this is why surfing or kayaking, apparently, is a hell of a workout. The "on the wave" part is the ‘easy’ bit
😂 There 3 foot toy waves
How does the kayak not get full of water😮
this looks very fun
As a surfer I have been through this pain
i think it’s better to skip kayak day bro
Rodriguez Jose Martin William Moore Edward
Looks tiring and way beyond my skill level.
gives me anxiety
No thx😂
Damn, I’m not familiar with kayaking. I assumed they did this as a drill so they could right themselves if they tipped on accident. I never thought of it as a legit technique for a situation like this.
I’m just going home 🏡 and I’m not going home 🏡 I just don’t feel comfortable and it’s a big thing I have no control I have a job I need my mom 👩 I need a break I’m just not sure 🤔 what about that one ☝️ but yeah 👍 and 0:28
Those waves need a duck because there’s not enough speed to paddle through them. Everyone knows to paddle hard into waves. The duck works in scenarios like this. After a few sets, home free open ocean
I dont know what you are doing but it looks a little crazy.
Is this kayak or submarine ?
coward lol
more time in the surf zone
If the sets are so close you have to turtle at that frequency…your gonna get it….
Return to base.
I see that kayak will go over the falls on a very big wave
Those aren´t mountains, those are waves.
Great Guy, greetings from Brazil.