Get Started Hiking 101/Tips & Tricks For Beginners
#survival #bushcraft #camping #edc
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What camera where you using to record ?
Great advice!
I have to ask, why do I need an 18 liter pack for the list of equipment you’re telling me I need?
Ive hiked a lot but good tips man i will definitely use
Good video, good information like always.
Loved ur video…which camera did u use as the photography is great
a glock 17 for the rakes
Great video. Thank you.
My camelbacks always started stinking after a couple of days idk why they do that I guess it’s the rubber on the inside. I got where I didn’t use it very often, I found it easier to just hook a water bottle to my pack.
Great advice! 🥾
Suggestions: I can’t find a pack that fits for the life of me. I tried tons of Gregory (great suspension system that loved my back but too big at 28L) and Osprey – likely not a good fitting brand for me. I def need adjustment possibility, and load lifters and belt for support due to injuries. Newbie hiker, female, 5’6” with a 17” torso. I want a supremely comfortable back panel and straps (who doesn’t?). The floppy, fashion bags with no belt and no support don’t work for me. Super frustrated. Just returned six packs. REI tried so hard! What about Hill People? They seem like they know what they’re doing? Mystery Ranch (not overly fond of three zip design but comfort is king (might be too long for me). 1-3-5 hr treks in urban forests and nature habitats. You will never see me do an overnight! Looking to anyone for advice with real knowledge or I will never get out in the wilds of NYC.
The hands-free light is a great recommendation. I use it a lot during camping trips; it is so valuable.
most helpful video thx
Personally I would swap the lighter (or add) a good heavy duty firesteel. A lot more reliable than a lighter which could run out of fluid or break, but you have to make sure you get a good one you feel comfortable and confident using.
Love it!
Thx I started my trails from your advices;
Suggestions: I can’t find a pack that fits for the life of me. I tried tons of Gregory (great suspension system that loved my back but too big at 28L) and Osprey – likely not a good fitting brand for me. I def need adjustment possibility, and load lifters and belt for support due to injuries. Newbie hiker, female, 5’6” with a 17” torso. I want a supremely comfortable back panel and straps (who doesn’t?). The floppy, fashion bags with no belt and no support don’t work for me. Super frustrated. Just returned six packs. REI tried so hard! What about Hill People? They seem like they know what they’re doing? Mystery Ranch (not overly fond of three zip design but comfort is king (might be too long for me). 1-3-5 hr treks in urban forests and nature habitats. You will never see me do an overnight! Looking to anyone for advice with real knowledge or I will never get out in the wilds of NYC.
Thanks for the tips bro! Great content 🙌⛰
Be careful carrying a lighter loose in your pack. I’ve had more than one that had released all of the gas, I carry them in small rigid containers. Also inventory and inspect your gear regularly.
1:09 no way man you got me so hard
😂😂😂😂😂 the wipe shot tho
Great info as always.
But living near where you live I cringe with the “mountains are too the west” thing. They are only to the west if you aren’t in them.
Keep up the awesome work!
Appreciate you putting out these safety tips brutha. I’ll definitely incorporate a lot of this into my future adventures. God bless and safe travels my friend 🙏🙏🙏
Can you tell me what is the O/R black mi-layer layer you wear under your Ferrosi? And any comments about it?
Great advice. I have purchased a few items based on your re commendations in last videos and have been very happy with them. As a personal preference, I would also include trekking poles. Mine have saved me from a few spills and twisted ankles.
I don’t know if anyone has suggested it, but a CAT tourniquet is better than the SWAT-T, as it doesn’t stretch like a rubber band can.
What about chips and soda can we take it to the hike
Dnt forget to pack a Gun 😂
i’ve been wanting to do some hikes with my sister and i just got some new boots from my grandpa that he used for a lot of outdoorsy activities so thank you so much for this!!
how many miles is considered a day hike? i usually go 4 miles since i just started last month.
Compass and waterproof map? If no GPS ..
I use a nice camelback I got from the military.
LOL!! I really was grossed out until i saw it was your arm good one !
Not cotton balls, not dryer lint… Duck Tape. A Bic lighter and duct tape (wrap it into a ball) is an almost guaranteed fire, and the tape has multiple functions ( first aid, gear repair, etc…)
LOOOOL, the wipe shot won my subscribe!
Why do someone need a $79 or $131 Knife.. It is just a knife.. honestly I am asking – An armature beginner hiker.
I go with a 31 liter jakari savoy ya medium bag tons of options Molle but not super military chest and waist bands good padding and super tough 1000 to 1500 denier though it is pricey at $220 to $240. I use a pair of top of the line salmon hiking boots and sometimes I bring my hidden woodsman haversack and a good medical dry bag and a wool blanket that sits nicely on the bottom of my pack and a tarp plus I carry like 3 to 5 options for fire and a compass. I do carry the T1 lightweight flashlight phone a pier bank and a titanium whistle and a mid weight knife and a multitool along with some paracord tweezers titanium toothpick along with a backup keychain flashlight for water I use a lightweight version of the canteen used in the 1st and 2nd world wars and a water purifier in case I need more water. I’m also bald so a hat is a must for me.
I like stainless steel single walled water bottle so I can boil water if needed
Thant was useful. Thank you.
Did you really spit on camera?
Thanks for your insight! One can never stop learning about our sport.
Great topic!
My tipp: set one foot before the other. You will find out the other issues.
very good advice. Just some suggestions, 1) get rid of the swat-t, get a CAT, it’s extremely hard to put on a swat-t one handed. 2) add a SAM splint (I actually had to use one ), 3) for 35 bucks off amazon get a Baofeng UV-5R HAM radio and an ABREE antenna (YOU don’t need a license to use it in an emergency and can be programed for NOAA) hope that helps.
Good info. One thing I would recommend is that if you use a bladder system, have a spare bottle of water with you. It is difficult to monitor your water supply with a baldder and you can tent to over hydrate. A few times I’ve ran it dry long before the hike was over.
You know your knives, but I’d suggest you watch a few hiking and backpacking videos, yourself. Many of your tips are well out of date. For example, most hikers and backpackers are using trail runners. Lighter and typically cheaper. For a day trip, let’s face it a lighter should do it. The first aid kit you suggest is way overkill and requires training. Also, a compass does little without a map. AT through hikers go 2000 miles with simple pocket knives. I’m sure you’re comfortable in the outdoors but this is not a great starter video for today’s beginner hiker.
I said this on Coalcracker Bushcraft and I’ll say it again. I’m so goddamn tired of stupid ads in these videos. I don’t give a fuck about your wipes that’s sponsored you for a shoutout, I don’t gaf about CCs charger. No one cares, let’s see the fuckin content not a 5 minute shpeal on whatever company it is today.
What happen with the knife if you travel abroad? Do you need to register or something before you travel?
really good content gideonstactical. I broke the thumbs up on your video. Always keep up the exceptional work.
Convertible pants. If you are going high altitude, weather changes can be drastic enough to require full body cover, even in summer. It’s good to be able to hike cool in shorts, and be able to cover your legs when the temperature drops and the wind is blowing. Or to start out covered in the cold early morning, and go sleeveless when it warms up.
Water filter. For hikes farther than 8-10 miles roundtrip, you will likely need to refill your 2 liter bladder and/or water bottles. I used my filter regularly, and was able to help other hikers that ran low on water. As an emergency fall-back, Iodine or other purification tablets are a good thing to carry. Be sure to research potential water sources on the trail before you leave to be sure you will have sufficient access.
Rock Climbing Helmet. Even though you are only hiking, some trails can turn steep and treacherous. Some trails may involve tight switchbacks in which the trail passes directly above the trail below. Loose rocks can easily be dislodged and fall on hikers below. Or if you are hiking next to a rock wall face or steep slope, the potential for falling rocks is high. A falling rock or a bad slip can result in a serious head injury. Learn the geography of your trail before you leave, or just be prepared.