Kayak Camping the Frio River – Her First Trip!

Kayak Camping the Frio River – Her First Trip!

The Frio River is a spring fed oasis in the middle of an arid region. We spent 2 days paddling through the Texas wilderness tent camping on an island and hiking up rapids.

I started a dry bag company, Remote Designs!
Submersible Backpacks & Duffels – https://remotedesignsllc.com/

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Full Gear List – https://lighterpack.com/r/klxlwk


  1. Great trip report, dude. I’m going to head down and paddle the Frio during the Eclipse next month. It’s probably going to be packed down there, eh?

  2. Been a family tradition of ours for well over 50
    Years! Now I get to take my girls for the first time this year… absolutely my favorite place in the world!

  3. I am rewatching, you introduced us to the Frio and Caddo Lake last year. We’re going to spend a few days next week at Garner State Park. Anywhere in particular we should go/not go?

  4. Great video! I love the Frio – grew up camping here every summer, and now take my family. Hoping to plan a surprise kayaking trip for me and my hubby somewhere in Texas soon – do you have any good resources for kayak "trails"? Drop ins/pick ups/campsites? Any cool resources for planning would be appreciated, thanks!

  5. How bout some details, we’re did you park , where did let in? How do yo get back to your vehicle after the trip. Newbi here to this experience…

  6. That place is incredible! Lisa, you looked like a seasoned pro. Hope you both get out there and do that kind of stuff often. Not everyday that a guy gets lucky enough to find a woman who is willing to rough it a little sometimes in order to have a great time.

  7. I’m so glad that a friend recommended your channel to me the other day. I am really enjoying watching all your adventures and the production of your videos is top notch! Great content!

  8. Hey Gatewood….. this if you old friend from Kentucky. Very excited to purchase some of your gear. Keep up the excellent work. Let me know next time you stop by KY

  9. Man happy to run into your channel I been looking into taking trips like this but to catfish our rivers here in texas to share. Been fishing Guadalupe, Medina , Llano, San Antonio River my hole life. Been a youtuber for awhile but film cars & trucks looking to share my fishing adventures soon!!

  10. Excellent. Good to have a wife willing to go with you. I count myself blessed, coming up on 37 years of marriage and still kayaking together.

  11. Just ran into this video. Really great job and it looks like the two of you had a great time! My family and I and some very close neighbors used to camp on the Frio starting back in the early 70’s. I was about 11 years old but I promised myself that someday I would own a piece of the fabulous Frio River. About 27 years ago I was fortunate enough to purchase 3 acres with riverfront. I (and family and friends) have never regretted it! I go there every chance I get. I recognized almost everywhere you two filmed (LOL). Sorry to get to this video so late – but keep up the great job!

  12. When was this that you went? I have a trip planned for early September and I’m hoping the river is not too low. Thx!

  13. Y’all are killing it! You are lucky to have a partner that is willing to go out and explore with you. Great job Lisa!

  14. I know this was 2 years ago but if you ever plan a trip like this again, I would like to get my wife on this river and camping but I’m from Florida and wouldn’t know where to start. I have the gear but the planning is not in my wheelhouse.

  15. Ive always been into kayak fishing.. but never ventured too far from the launch. Watching these videos inspired me to branch out so to speak.. i did a 25 mile boomerang on one of the local rivers here in louisiana.. camped on a random island i found.. It was fantastic apart from the heat.. and i rhi k my kayak is a bit heavy to do long trips. 77 pounds by itself.. keep up the inspritational videos! If yall ever do a trip in Louisiana, id love to take part…

  16. me and my adult son are wanting to head to the frio river mid week next week. just a 1 day trip. Could you recommend a good launch and take out? Possible shuttle service and over night lodging?

  17. Great video, the only thing that i wish I saw was a dog or 2! My dogs are living their best life when i take them kayak camping

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