Backpacking with Children | Deuter Kids Backpack
Deuter FOX 30 https://amzn.to/2JXbCAU
Deuter Futura Pro 40 https://amzn.to/2LE33OD
Backpacking with Children | Deuter Kids Backpack
Deuter FOX 30 https://amzn.to/2JXbCAU
Deuter Futura Pro 40 https://amzn.to/2LE33OD
Copyright © 2024| Out Doors Fun For All | Hosted by EWS
I’ve already got the deuter air contact pro 70+15. I’ve been hunting for a backpack for my boy for months now as his Montaine is way too big. A matching deuter will be just the job! If only you’d made this vid earlier lol
Nicely done! Still want to see a load out for both your packs. What were you carrying, what was she carrying? How much weight was she okay with?
"Doy-ter", no?
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Great review of the packs, Ben and Olivia. Thanks for showing them to us.
Awesome bro! Pack is in the cart!
Thanks for the video! However, as a german native speaker (from Austria), a little tip: Please check the pronounciation on the brand DEUTER, it made my toe nails curl the way you say it – "dooter" sorry bro 🙂
Yes… I am definitely going to buy my son one of those. Thank you for the review sir!
Cool mug. Do you have a link?
Nice Ben, I think you and your daughter are on to something with the kid gear!!
Hahaha $110 that’s funny
Thank you
I’m just seeing this now..so happy birthday?!
Just a thought, with a 14 minute video titled ‘Backpacking with Children’ that includes a pack review, it would have been nice to show the pack on a child and it’s fitment.
Awesome – Great Work Prayers- I have Some Select in all categories, items you can give her, if you want Just contact me later on my Email -JOR Watchman #52
great to see a company catering to our youth, like you said it fits and works good for children and i think it’s great your getting your daughter involved more in the outdoors. great review
atb john
How much does your pack weigh and how much does her pack weigh just curious
Outstanding!! You guys are so versatile!!!
Thanks for the information. My daughter is 6 and this is extremely helpful. I’m getting ready to take her on some hikes / camping trips. Take care.
do you think this would be to big for a five year old?
u saying it wrong
Exist a company named dechatlon with more gear for camping and trekking
How much weight does she carry?
Dude, I’ve literally spent the past year+ trying to find a pack for my son whose 6 now and this video finally offered a solution!
Thanks for sharing