1. I’ve already got the deuter air contact pro 70+15. I’ve been hunting for a backpack for my boy for months now as his Montaine is way too big. A matching deuter will be just the job! If only you’d made this vid earlier lol

  2. Nicely done! Still want to see a load out for both your packs. What were you carrying, what was she carrying? How much weight was she okay with?

  3. Thanks for the video! However, as a german native speaker (from Austria), a little tip: Please check the pronounciation on the brand DEUTER, it made my toe nails curl the way you say it – "dooter" sorry bro 🙂

  4. Just a thought, with a 14 minute video titled ‘Backpacking with Children’ that includes a pack review, it would have been nice to show the pack on a child and it’s fitment.

  5. Awesome – Great Work Prayers- I have Some Select in all categories, items you can give her, if you want Just contact me later on my Email -JOR Watchman #52

  6. great to see a company catering to our youth, like you said it fits and works good for children and i think it’s great your getting your daughter involved more in the outdoors. great review
    atb john

  7. Thanks for the information. My daughter is 6 and this is extremely helpful. I’m getting ready to take her on some hikes / camping trips. Take care.

  8. Dude, I’ve literally spent the past year+ trying to find a pack for my son whose 6 now and this video finally offered a solution!

    Thanks for sharing

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