1. Would be nice if you shared the name of brands in the description. Thanks though for the coffee suggestion. I’ll be looking into it.

  2. I love camping and it’s so not fun when there are people that don’t really enjoy it. I call those peeps the Hotel campers. Lol. I love getting dirty and having fun. Hot shower before bed and cuddle in the sleeping bag with my…………..wait for it……..drum roll……..,…………Dog… she is the best camping buddy ever. I’d love to find a man that loves it as much as me but til then….. me and my girl woof. 🐕

  3. Awesome! I’m finally getting my wife around to trying camping. We have a 2 year old and she loves the outdoors like her dad so we keep working on mom. I think we’re gonna get our first family camping trip year!

  4. Just came across your video. Some good tips! 👍🏻
    I couldn’t believe it when I saw the Wander hat and then the Lanier rowing shirt because I’m in Cumming! Checking out the podcast later today.

  5. Helpful tip with your toilet paper, keep in plastic bag so it stays dry and it helps to rip a bunch of decent size pre torn sheets so its easier to grab and dont get messy, i actually do this for tracking blood trails in deer season but also good for whatever

  6. Dude what’s up! This is Nick Korn. I did not expect to see a familiar face when I clicked on this! Hopefully you made a believer out of the wife this trip. Enjoyed the content and slick editing.

  7. Nice… 👍
    Beautiful family… A family camping trip is great, and lots fun. It’s also a lot of work, but worth it. The more you go, the more stuff you’ll accumulate. The more you accumulate the less you’ll bring. Great video, enjoyed watching. Thank you for sharing, take care. 🇺🇲

  8. Most of this I feel like is useful family or not, I click on this video because I saw a family and thought you’d go into detail about maybe what you packed specifically for the kids, clothing and stuff. Maybe have your wife do an unboxing lol I’m sure there’s her whole list you left out. I’m here for that.

  9. "I love the lantern’s warm glow! I’m definitely planning to bring it on my next camping trip. Thanks for sharing this great tip!"

  10. Wow. This totally motivated me to take my boys camping they are 4 and 6. I want to spend more time with them and would love to do this.

    Any tips on where to start?

    I had 90% of the items in ur bags and tote as I’m somewhat of a prepper, haha.

  11. My least favorite thing about camping is looking for firewood and realizing its been raining for the past week and theres nothing but wet, mossy, or rotten pieces of wood then having to travel back 45 minutes to get wood from a gas station
    just to heat up a can of chef boyardee ravioli. 🙁

  12. Sorry if this is somewhere and I didn’t see it, but do you have links to some of these cool products? The tote, the mess kit, the lantern, the cool little towel…. Basically all of it? Haha!

  13. The foldable shovel was my favorite, I never would have thought of that ever! So…the snake bite kit…how often do you come across snakes???

  14. Does your tshirt say lake Lanier ? Lol 😂 I’m terrified of that grave lake but I like the video nice 👍

  15. Where is the camping site in this video? Looks somewhat private which would be nice. We live in north Georgia.

  16. I have paracord in my kit and use it for all kinds of things. Next camping trip, doing the JiffyPop. I’m teaching my son how to start a fire using a steel. My daughter likes to cook so we do a lot of campfire cooking with cast iron. I believe if you start camping with young kids, you have great memories and something they might do with their kids.

  17. Hey! Did you enjoy the video?
    Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE with the bell on and give it a BIG BLUE THUMB 🧔🏻👍🏻
    Thank you for watching, liking and subscribing!!

  18. Wife didn’t look too pleased, did she end up liking camping? Thanks for the video, very useful. I want to take my kids camping this year now they are a bit older.

  19. That snake bite kit is completely useless and also misleading (makes you think it’s doing something helpful).

  20. Lovely and blessed family! ❤️. I Just get a little nervous sleeping under those big trees. When I’m camping I’m always looking for that. Please keep it in mind for your next beautiful family time. Is just a tip for the safety of the family. Blessings. Beautiful video! I’m subscribed.

  21. Loved the video!! we are planning our camping trip and there was a few things i had forgot. and by the way you really look like a Telenovela star whose name is Luis Roberto Guzman you seriously do look like him. hahaha thanks for the camping video your kids look like they had a great time.

  22. I took notes

    Packing List – Camping ⛺️

    Plastic picnic blanket/area rug
    First aid kit
    Collapsable shovel
    Hot dog/marshmallow sticks
    Can opener / multi tool
    Condiment packets
    Lightweight cutting board
    Lantern – LED
    Coffee mugs
    Plates, cups
    Trash bags
    Matches (+ container to keep them dry)
    Paper towels
    Cooking stove/grate/something to cook on
    Propane if needed
    Heat resistant gloves
    Baby wipes
    Phone charger
    Snake bite kit
    Extra zip bags
    Kuju coffee
    Toilet paper
    Tooth brush
    Bug spray

  23. We are gearing up for a camping trip for our family of six! (4 kids 10 years down to 2 years old). This is helpful! Prior to this, I always just sent my husband with our preschool and up child/ children and kept a baby at home. I am so looking forward to getting back outside!

  24. Everyone is commenting about convincing their wives while I am here literally begging my husband. I have been camping every year since I was 6months old and he is not the camping type 😭

  25. Dios bendiga a Todos los que estan leyendo esto! Deseo que tengan un hermoso dia! Buscad a Dios mientras pueda ser hallado! Jesus es el camino y el unico camino y regresa pronto! Recuerda cuando te sientas que no eres amado… el mayor sacrificio se hizo por amor! EL SUICIDIO NUNCA ES LA RESPUESTA!

    Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo, que ha dado a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que en él cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna.
    S. Juan 3:16 RVR1960

    La paga del pecado es muerte (infierno) pero Cristo pagó nuestra deuda en la cruz para nuestra salvacion! Debemos volvernos a Dios y apartarnos de nuestros caminos pecaminosos, confesar que Jesús es el Señor y creer con nuestro corazón que fue resucitado de entre los muertos por Dios, y  debemos de ser bautizados en el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo y vivir por Su palabra y mandamientos! Confia que Dios ayudara con el resto!

    Busca a Dios, antes de que sea muy tarde! Hoy podria ser tu ultimo dia en la tierra!

    Que tengas un hermoso dia!

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