Hiking Gear That's WAY CHEAPER at Decathlon Than Anywhere Else

Hiking Gear That's WAY CHEAPER at Decathlon Than Anywhere Else

This video is NOT sponsored! I just really appreciate budget-friendly hiking gear and have found a lot of it at Decathlon over the years. In this video I’ll go through a dozen items that are generally far cheaper at Decathlon than anywhere else. This includes cheap backpacking gear, inexpensive camping gear, and even some budget gear I use when hunting or skiing. From outerwear to backpacks, this is the kind of staple gear that is useful for all kinds of outdoor adventures, and it won’t break the bank!

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⚡️ Trek Pad – https://decathlonamerica.sjv.io/1r02Nz
⚡️ Camp chair – https://decathlonamerica.sjv.io/zNERVG
⚡️ Down puffy jacket – https://decathlonamerica.sjv.io/nLGgQM (men), https://decathlonamerica.sjv.io/vNBWaL (women)
⚡️ Backpack cooler – https://decathlonamerica.sjv.io/Kj1g5e
⚡️ Cheap day pack – https://decathlonamerica.sjv.io/9gR2oE
⚡️ Ultralight backpack – https://decathlonamerica.sjv.io/eK9a7Q (men), https://decathlonamerica.sjv.io/AW9B6a (women)
⚡️ Lightweight Backpacking air mattress – https://decathlonamerica.sjv.io/zNERdG
⚡️ Self-inflating mattress – decathlonamerica.sjv.io/JzGBPv
⚡️ Foam sleeping mat – https://decathlonamerica.sjv.io/daQed2
⚡️ Merino 1/4 zip top – https://decathlonamerica.sjv.io/LXVg60 (men), https://decathlonamerica.sjv.io/xkWOMy (women)
⚡️ Merino bottoms – https://decathlonamerica.sjv.io/PyXBxR (men), https://decathlonamerica.sjv.io/xkWOMR (women)
⚡️ Pack raft – unavailable as of 7/15/2024
⚡️ Duffel bag – https://decathlonamerica.sjv.io/VmEgPM
⚡️ Backpacking pillow – https://decathlonamerica.sjv.io/0ZW2qE
⚡️ Hiking pants – https://decathlonamerica.sjv.io/9gR27j
⚡️ Merino t-shirt – https://decathlonamerica.sjv.io/AW9BvN (men), https://decathlonamerica.sjv.io/oq1VkE (women)

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  1. Stopped buying in Decathlon because the still present in russia. Buying stuff in Decathlon you are supporting genocide in Ukraine

  2. Here in Brazil decatlhon is very very famous because the good quality with low price. No way pay a griffe Brand just to put in the mud and mountains

  3. all this stuff is way cheaper directly from china
    folding silver foam pad 6 usd
    camp chair 10 usd
    jacket, cant be bothered to look, guessing its 10-15 usd
    backpacks, got a nice tool backpack like the ones at harborfreight for 27 bucks. i think the bauer one is like 100 usd so guessing i could find any of the hiking packs if i looked long enough
    sleeping pad 20-30 usd
    silver foam sleeping pad 6 usd
    inflatable pillow 1.99
    crazy i cant believe how biased people are in america against buying the same exact junk directly from china for 1/10th the price.

  4. Shirts are not 100% wool, thus the price. Some are just 40% wool and rest is polypropylene and polyamide. Best one has 80% wool.

  5. Decathlon is great, they have a competitive price, but the quality of products varies. Camping, outdoor brands are great, bicycle or fishing are really terrible for example. I have worked there during college and I have to say, the sportswear has the best quality I’ve ever seen. I have a 15 year old Artengo shorts, that survived everything so far. Really crazy.

  6. "Декатлон" – это магазин с товарами не самого лучшего качества. Я больше предпочитаю "Спортмастер" или "Сплав". Я удивлен, что гражданину США, что-то понравилось в "Декатлоне". Кстати из-за санкций ЕС, "Decathlon" изменил название в России на "DESPORT" (Слово «sport» произошло от старофранцузского «desport», что в переводе означало «игра», «развлечение».)

  7. That’s all corect.If You don’t do it for a leaving FOZCLAZ series will get You as far as it can on a budget.

  8. This company got me into outdoors, when it still was in Russia. Good quality and affordable. Too bad they closed every store here

  9. decathlon power !!! just need to say that when you pronounce forclaz you are not supposed to pronounce the z (yeah french is strange) like you have you have to pronounce it forcla

  10. Decathlon Merino is some of the best value Merino apparel available. The quality is very good for that price. Their waterproof jackets and other multi-layer travel jackets are great too.

  11. Ive known about the decathlon jacket for bout a decade now .they have nice length sleeves for orangutans like me and pack really small .great for bikepaçking and they will keep you warm like being hugged by 50 woodland gnomes

  12. I like Decathlon too for their reasonably good and reasonably priced goods.
    But in backpacking not only the price is important but also weight of the stuff and size it has when is is packed. Pity you do not show these along with the price difference. At the end, yes, you pay a few hundreds of dollars more but on a 2 weeks hike in the nature it makes a huge difference if you carry 11 kg in a 46 litre backpack instead of 16 kg in 60+ litre backpack.

  13. I live in Europe and when I first moved here I was amazed at the quality and cost of camping/hiking gear at Decathlon. I have those exact hiking pants, they are awesome! I’m actually headed there this morning.

  14. Decathlon is well known all over europe
    You want to equippe your 2 kids to go to mountain sky fo4’the first time it will not cost you an arm and a leg and they will have very decent quality i am glad we have this option i am not making 10 grands per month

  15. Decathlon don’t have any gear for serious hiking like thru hiking or mountaineering. They only cater to basic camping or hiking for a few days.

  16. You pay for low quality gear. What is better? Paying 3 times 80 or once 200? I go for the 200 because I know it will last.
    But they improved, compared to what they offered in their beginning.

  17. It’s nice to see Decathlon getting some love. I discovered them within the past year, and I’ve gotten some great deals.

  18. Decathlon and Lidl is where i get all my gear and I never had any problems. 90 euros for a sleepingbagg of comfort rating -2 at decatlon and a tarp. And I got a camping hammock witch included tree straps and it has a net against mosquitos for 30 at lidl. just like my 40L backpack for 40

  19. I buy a lot of stuff from Decathlon as well. If you want something you’ve seen on somebody’s YouTube channel, go to Decathlon to look for it first. Won’t likely be ultralight, but it will be around half the price or even less of whatever it is you originally wanted to get. Bring a small luggage scale if you need to add up the numbers so you don’t end up with a 25kg stuffed pack. But if 25kg is what it takes to get you going, then Decathlon is the place to get all your stuff.

  20. Love Decathlon, and I am thinking of buying one of their down jackets. But, can you tell me why your wearing 2 of them at the same time? Indoors?? Just an observation.

  21. Forclaz tents for trekking are something that could be added here. Seriously good stuff pretty much cut the same way as the quality brand but at a reasonable price.

  22. I agree, Decathlon is really nice, but for a backpack I’d rather spend $70 more and get a good one. There are lots of options to get one in sale in Europe and basically pay the same as the Decathlon backpack. Not saying everything there is too expensive, but always take a look at sales before buying stuff from Decathlon. You might end up with more quality gear for the same or a few $ more.

  23. the backpacks are incredibly good I had mines for about 3 years and solid pretty regular use before the zip broke

  24. As a european, this even sounds expensive 😅
    The down jacket is 59 euro instead of 100usd.. still love the store for a lot of camping stuff

  25. One thing about decathlon thats completely unrelated to camping is i think their rollerskates are really bad, their other stuff seems fine tho

  26. The yellow Sleeping mattress: i bought it in 2019 and i slept ca 200 times on it and most of the time i slept just one night at the same place.
    And since 2021 i have a dog( 30 Kilo with paws like a bear) – he likes to walk over my sleeping bag and loves to sleep at my matress- i hade him for this.😅 So he gets his own- the smaller version from decathlon. He likes mine more😂- but They are both as good as new!!!

  27. The trek pad is like 6 bucks here in Poland. It’s great but no way I’d pay any more than that 😂 I mean it’s just a plastic pad, c’mon 😅

  28. With the down jacket it’s worth paying the extra for the Patagonia because it’s a buy it for life item. They will either repair or replace it for free even if you bought the jacket used. I see you have a rip in your jacket would that mean you would need to spend another $100 to replace it? Same goes for osprey backpack. Just something to think about.

  29. Brit here. Decathalon in Europe is something else. Quality is very very good for the price point— great for people getting into hiking and camping trying to avoid breaking the bank.

  30. @4:30 Price is what you pay. Value is what you receive. You can’t speak to the value of a piece of kit you’ve never used.

  31. I am definitely looking to get the hiking chair for next year. Unfortunately if I had known about it, it would have saved me some money for the folding chairs I bought which are not packable at all and are quite bulky. I bought them for use at the beach but I wanted something that could fit in my backpack and carry it around but I was finding cheap crap that spoil very fast. I had completely forgotten about decathlon 🤦🏼‍♀️

  32. Merino from decathlon stinks. Its usually not 100% merino. I have 3 decathlon t-shirts and compared to 100% metino they are much worse.

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