How To ENJOY Backpacking With Kids!
Sponsored By Lifestraw: Check out the new Lifestraw Peak Series Water Filters:
– https://bit.ly/3Q9KwXP
The new Peak Series of filters from Lifestraw are an excellent backcountry companion for getting clean water for backpacking, hiking and camping. Peak Series Filters use a hollow fiber membrane that filters out bacteria, parasites, and even micro plastics.
– Zenbivy Light Bed Double: https://bit.ly/3SbuheA
– Trail Magik Kid Carrier: https://trailmagik.com/
– Big Agnes Copper Spur HV UL4 Tent: https://bit.ly/3vsdBG1
– UGQ Bandit Youth Quilt: https://bit.ly/3JitHHH
– Osprey Youth Packs: https://bit.ly/3PN1iw6
– Peak Refuel: https://bit.ly/3WzAJyL
What does it take to go backpacking with young kids? I recently took my whole family out on our first backpacking trip together. Here are some tips, tricks and the gear associated with taking a family backpacking.
SLEEPING BAG: https://bit.ly/3dRk2Ju
SLEEPING PAD: https://bit.ly/3lo9eYn
STOVE: https://bit.ly/3rkv3YT
CHAIR: https://bit.ly/37kLThG
SHELTER: https://bit.ly/2WS7Xi5
WATER FILTER: https://bit.ly/3xewCty
– Waymark Gear Co: http://www.waymarkgearco.com
– Garage Grown Gear: https://bit.ly/3LAdVZr
– REI.com: http://bit.ly/2EVyQr9
– Backcountry.com: http://bit.ly/2ZL9tzH
– Amazon: http://amzn.to/2ixoW5w
– Campsaver: http://bit.ly/32D7EVu (Code BCE10 save 10%)
As an Affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases.
I would love to see what you pack for your family? We canoe camp to remote locations with our kids (9 and 11) and would love to try backpack with them but the gear we need for 4 is so heavy!
We just went 12 miles in Texas I forgot my charging cord so might have to go back for shots😂
Thanks for sharing! Im starting to get my littles into hiking for prep for backpacking. It has been emotional and ups and downs lol! I really needed to hear this from you. Thank you!
I’d rather have an inoperable tumor on my spine than strap a baby to my backpack. Nobody goes into the sticks with me unless they’re old enough to talk and walk.
This place looks beautiful! We’re trying to get outside more with our three kids (8, 6 and 4) and we’re loving it. They’ve really taken to camping and trail walking. You’re definitely right when you say patience is key! 😅
if you wear a hat, baby should be wearing a hat
Your baby snuggling you while you’re talking is the cutest 💕 I want to take my sister and her kids camping and backpacking someday, this is helpful!!
I hiked last year and was 60km was done in 4 days and kids are 5 and 7 this year we are doing 270km but have 30 days to travel the trails.
So adorable when the baby is looking up at you while you speak to the camera. I’m curious how heavy both of your (you and wife) packs were?
You are the coolest dad! way to go. Way is this lake called??
Good stuff man! Your family is adorable!
Love it. What a great family outing.
Good video but im surprised you took a very young kid. The diaper change weight must have been a killer to whoever was hauling it haha. What did you used for packing the diapers out?
i deeply appreciate the mindset of "it doesn’t need to be perfect, just fun and happy memories"
reminds me of childhood hiking with mine own father <3
We have six kids; ages 1 (in carrier), 4, 5, 10, 11, and 12. We do mostly day hiking, usually 4 to 5 miles at a time and front country camp. We do take big trips across the country (to Yellowstone, Badlands, Rocky Mountains, Smoky Mountains, Great Sand Dunes, etc). Our favorite tips are to take earplugs, seriously, everyone gets earplugs so they don’t hear dogs bark, siblings rolling over on mats, coyotes that scare them, etc and eye masks. We sleep in two 6 man tents to keep the chaos down. We cabin camp every few days too to reset. All my kids carry all their water or one of their waters depending on their age. We pack our clothes in dish tubs instead of backpacks, so we can easily see everything and rinse out sand and dirt. The phrase “everyone sleeps better the second night” is always encouraging when the first day is rougher.
Do you recommend the copper spur 4 or copper spur 5 for a family of 2 adults and 3 kids under the age of 8. I’ve really been back and forth between 4p to save weight or just go for the 5p. I would really appreciate your advice.
Your kids are SO blessed to have loving parents who give them the opportunity to experience the back country while they are very young. Chances are, they will still love doing it when they grow up! Have a great time on your adventure in the mountains!
Yeeeees! Love it Dude!! That is a lot of work right there!! But some of the most rewarding work for sure! Hahaha May did to you what Rugged Mountain Mister always does to me!! Won’t talk to the camera. He always wants to make faces and be goofy on camera till i WANT him to say something! Man that copper spur looks awesome… but man the price! 😞 Everybody listen to Devin and take your young kids out into the backcountry, it’s AWESOME!!
Do you have a full gear list of what went in your bags? It would be helpful to know what you, your wife, and your kids packed!
Great video!!!!
Love the border collie 😍
How old are you kids? 🙂
We’ve been watching for a few years and I take my 6 kids out on our adventures as much as possible. We love to see other families enjoying the outdoors!!!
This is great info Devin I’m taking my son on his first trip this summer. I’m having a hard time finding him a good but not super high priced pad / bag. I do t wanna break the bank incase he’s not at all about it.
Awesome video with great suggestions, what was the location of this hike in this video?
My hats off to you! Been there done that.
Nice update! Are you interested in reviewing our 6-in-1 drinking water tester? It can test bacteria, virus, microplastic, heavy metal, and weed kiiler., etc! We’re sure that you’ll love it.
Now that’s a workout! So fun 🙂 When my kids were younger we’d play trail games like I-spy or ask This or That questions to distract them. It’s also all about the snacks. Let them each pick out their own favorite snack. Card games in the tent. And last tip I want to share is the Happy Hiker award. Whoever picks up the most trash or has the best attitude or was the best helper, whatever you decide on, gets to pick the treat place on the way home. Chick-fil-a cones tends to win. Wish we had that baby carrier. I made my own but it went on me before the pack did and so the straps under my backpack weren’t very comfortable. Cool someone thought of that new design!
What was your go-to video gear and microphone? Editing software used?
Great Video! I remember taking my kids out solo backpacking at ages 3 and 4 respectively. Great times. I am looking for a new filter that is less fussy. That Life Straw looks like a really good product. Thank you!
Love this video Dad!
Awesome adventure Devin. Great setup for a comfortable adventure. Well done on your suggestions to keeping it fun for the kids and about the kids. So cool. Looks like everyone was having a great time. How about your daughter, the teepee builder. Heck yeah. She will be teaching Bushcraft before you know it. Great trip. Have a wonderful day.
Great video! So many backpacking videos are aimed directly at singles or couples, but that’s not many peoples’ life situation. Solid choice and keep ’em coming!
You two are Saints go go out there with toddlers!😁 Mine we’re monsters until 8 years old.
you guys are badass. i’m getting ready to take my 6 and 8 year old out to some campground by myself and hoping it goes well. LOL. i’m hoping we can graduate to backpacking. we will see!
Dream come true for sure. Might be neater with a Half-Mile my friend on those two delightful girls proudly carrying their gear. Just saying sir 😁……neat sleeping systems for kid and a great use of a hammock. Great family and loving parrents.
What kids of baby carrier is that?
Great video and def gave me some courage
Some of the take always:
1. Patience
2. Take it as it comes
3. Don’t get eaten alive by bugs
4. Water filtration
5. Have the right sleeping gear to be together
6. Do what your kids are doing so that you create happier memories
I’ve short trekked the AT with a baby. She did only weigh 6 lbs (7 mos)…she weighed less than our tent. (Granddaughter while my daughter was doing finals)
We used to hike and camp with my daughter 3 to 18….she did fine.
Great suggestions when backpacking with the family! My family of 3 use the same Copper Spur when we go out. Patience and not setting high expectations has landed us some of the best family memories we could ask for.
Inspiring. Just “backpacked” into our local county conservation area for an overnight trip with smashing success. Excited for more. What kind of table are you using in the video?
Do you have a video breaking down everything I need to buy to start backpacking with my family???
Luv this video, outdoor family life is important. My hubby and I took our 3 critters tent camping 2-3 times, for 7-9 days at a time, every summer…they are all adults now, one has continued the luv for car camping/hiking/backpacking. So many memories for us all!
That is awesome! I remember as a kid my parents took me and my sisters out in nature each weekend and vacation. That was all we needed to be happy basically, and still today I need nature to cope and balance my life. Hopefully your kids will appreciate this too and keep wanting to go out in nature in the future 🙂
With 7 kids it was always a challenge. It’s really easy to get focused on the destination and not the journey. This weekend I’m taking my youngest daughter (14) on her first backpacking trip. Thanks to @backpackingwithbuckley for the pointers on Black Elk Wilderness. Family hiked are always memorable. All of my adult children go without me now. Utah, Nevada, Oregon, Minnesota, Tennessee Papua New Guinea. Grandkids soon!!!
Great parenting! I wish I could take my nieces and nephews. Many times in scouts and with my dad, we’d go hiking and backpacking and tbh, I didn’t appreciate it. Mainly bc my gear (or lack there of) was not adequate.
Parents: make sure you’re kids have good footwear and a comfortable pack. It’ll make their experience rememberable -in a good way.
In my early 20s (20some years ago) I got back into backpacking and haven’t looked back. As a matter of fact, I moved from the upper Midwest to western NC just for the backpacking opportunities. Haven’t looked back. As a matter of fact, I am currently training my upcoming AT flip flop. Starting at clingmans dome nobo to Baxter. Fly to Charlotte and drive down to GA and head nobo to clingmans dome starting February 10th.
If clingmans dome road is closed I’ll just start at I-40. My idea behind that schedule/starting point would be to be able to start near home, and be able to start and finish at the highest point of the trail
I agree – that looks like the dream! Random (maybe weird) question – Any tips on helping / teaching kids to poop in the backcountry?
This is so great. I wish I’d had these kinds of experiences as kid. We did a lot of car camping, but not really hiking and certainly not backpacking.
Great video! What are your thoughts on the zenbivy double sleeping pad? There isn’t much review information on the webs.